The Problem

What Problem Does Argo Solve?

4 Key Problems

1. Technical Video Learning on the Rise

As the next generation of engineers begin joining the workforce, the demand for technical video learning will increase. We're talking about the generation that was forced into video/remote learning during the pandemic.

Learn more about the growing video education industry here: The Tech Video Industry

2. Tech is Too Fast For Video

By the time a DevRel / Engineer can create a video, the technology has already changed. This is a never ending cycle that is not scalable. Technical video tutorials can range anywhere from 15 minutes to 32 hours (... thanks, Patrick Collins (opens in a new tab)). By the time these videos have been planned, scripted, recorded, edited, and published, specific parts of the videos have become outdated which render the entire video practically useless.

3. No Native Video Platform Options

There are no native video platforms that are built for technical video learning. YouTube is the closest thing we have, but it's not built for technical video learning.

  • YouTube is built for entertainment and marketing.
  • Udemy is built for selling courses.
  • Twitch is built for live streaming.

If a company wants to create a native eLearning platform, they have to build it themselves. This is a huge undertaking that requires a lot of time and money. This makes native eLearning only available to the unicorns and Big Tech companies.

4. Online Certs Suck

Online certifications are a joke. Nobody takes online certifications seriously because the vast majority of them are from courses that are completely unvetted, making it hard for hiring managers to trust them. We're then left with arbitrary technical interviews that are terrible ways to assess a candidate's technical skills, especially when it comes to a specific technology.